Jane Pratt, former editor-in-chief of defunct Sassy and Jane magazines, is one smart cookie. Pratt is teaming up with 14-year old fashion blogger Tavi Gevinson on a magazine and Web site for teenage girls and what a better way then to bring on a teenage girl. Considering Tavi's tremendous popularity among the likes of Anna Wintour and many designers it seems that the winner in this situation is Pratt. After failing with Sassy and Jane magazine, Pratt could sure use a good comeback. According to
WWD, "[Pratt] will launch JanePratt.com, a Web site aimed at the gulf between the Cosmopolitans and Jezebels of the world. Then, in the summer, she will team up with Gevinson to introduce a magazine and a Web site for teenaged girls." The article goes on to say that, "A mock tag line for the site has been pinned up in the offices of JanePratt.com on 28th Street and 5th Avenue in Manhattan — “Slutty, Selfish, Self-Absorbed,” a swipe at Cosmopolitan’s 'fun, fearless female' ethos." Hmm, I wonder if Tavi's parents find humor in the mock tag line?
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